Monday, November 12, 2007

Waste Pickup Day

Today is Waste Pickup Day - garden waste, leaves - all packaged in large clear plastic bags or huge brown paper bags - from Home Depot - our township will pick them up today and take them to Lappan's Lane for compost.
I packaged 5 bags of waste - mostly from the garden - one bag from the greenhouse - a lot of my plants were old and not doing well - a few had some bugs - so they are gone, gone, gone. I downsized some plants as well and hope the cuttings I took will root. I have a lot of geraniums, as always - just can't seen to part with these plants.
I still have lots of work to do in the greenhouse, but it looks cleaner and will be more manageable for me.
Thank you - Loyalist Township - for your help in keeping our yards and community looking great.


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