Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas is over!!

We enjoyed a nice Christmas with our family-lots to eat-some nice gifts-beautiful Christmas Eve Mass at our Church - which was decorated with the 20 poinsettias kept in the greenhouse for the past month. They were gorgeous and glowing. We lucked out on transporting them on the 23rd-mild and misty weather! How lucky!
Now, I hope to concentrate on cleaning up the greenhouse - moving plants around and getting ready to start spring flowers. I have two Christmas cactus starting to bloom. I also have an Amaryllis bulb that doesn't appear to be doing anything. I will be patient with it.
Lots of plants are blooming now - especially the geraniums and begonias.
My red and pink poinsettias from last year are blooming also. Only half of the pink plant is blooming but it is very pretty. The flowers are smaller but still exotic looking.
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

new greenhouse photos!

Here are some photos of Theresa's greenhouse which were taken this morning:

mum and the poinsettias



mum's greenhouse

mum's greenhouse

mum's greenhouse