March is here!
March has arrived and in a few more days, it will officially be Spring. Last Saturday, it was unbelievably hot in the greenhouse, so on Sunday PM, my husband put our shade back on the greenhouse and it has been pulled down since as we are experiencing very beautiful weather this week. Before we put the shade, I had to move all the plants that were on the floor and place them on my shelves. It took me most of the AM to do it. We needed an aisle to put the ladder in the greenhouse so Mike could raise the shade to the top of the glass and hook it in....quite a job.
I still haven't moved all the plants back to the floor, but I have lots of potting to do now, as I was taking cuttings as I was moving plants. I repotted a Peace Lily that my friend gave me and now I own 7 Peace Lily plants. It had rock hard roots that I had to cut apart with a knife. Hopefully it will only grown green leaves now as a lot of the leaves had yellow ends - due to being so pot bound.
I think I am losing one of the cypress plants from our Christmas Church decorations - I guess I didn't give it enough water - the leaves feel dried out - I soaked it so hopefully it will come back to life.
Today, I bought 5 pkts. of seeds at Giant Tiger in Napanee - 33 cents each - carrots, radish, black seed Simpson lettuce, asters and zinnias....what a deal, eh?
Enjoyment: Spring is in the air!