Thursday, April 03, 2008

Busy Busy Time

Can't believe I haven't written anything since end of January-it has been a long, snowy and cold winter- lots of shovelling and trying to keep warm. Easter came early this year and we were busy with getting ready to decorate our church for the special celebrations that Easter weekend brings.
My greenhouse is surviving well-except for silly bugs that seem to appear when the days get sunnier-I have been battling aphids and some mealybugs on certain plants...aphids constantly attack my coleus and mealybugs like my jade plant and Mona Lavender Plectranthus. I didn't get to take geranium cuttings in February like I usually do but have a lot of plants from last summer so I will be okay again this year.
I haven't started seedlings to date....but very soon.....just have to do some potting of cuttings and make some room and I will be okay to plant and plant and plant.
My orchid - given to me last summer by a friend - is blooming so beautifully now. I have never had an orchid before.
Here are a few photos. I will try to talk more now that Easter is behind us.