New Greenhouse Shade March 2013
We now have a beautiful new greenhouse shade....the shade filters the sunlight by 50% so the plants in the greenhouse do not get burnt by the sun....days are getting longer and the greenhouse is getting hotter.....our shade that came with our greenhouse was 28 years old and has been hanging on (literally) by a thread for the past five years or so....we take in down in winter and that is the reason it has lasted 28 years.
Hubby and I bought the shade material from Lee Valley in Ottawa last year and the greenhouse needs a shade sized 16' wide and 7 l/2' long......we had to buy 3 lots of fabric and I sewed them together....we bought UV tape that is supposed to patch greenhouse fabric and hold it together, but guess what-----it didn't work----so I sewed the first 2 panels together by hand - then by machine - we had to bunch up the fabric and pull it through the sewing machine while I was sewing on it...I sewed and hubby pulled......when it came to putting the third panel together....I found out that duck tape will stick to the shade material, so we held it tog
The next day, we wrapped the length of the material around the metal pipe and hubby tied it on with multipurpose cable ties..pulleys were added...then we hung it up in the garage and said good-night to it.
Yesterday, we rolled the fabric onto the bottom metal pipe and used clips from Lee Valley to hold the fabric future, we will replace the clips with the cable ties. The cording was added and the shade was ready to put up on the greenhouse window.....oh happy was a big job but by doing it ourselves, we saved over a thousand dollars.....will post a photo soon......
The plants are loving the filtered light and it looks really nice inside and out......