The Sad Greenhouse

Here is a collage of my sunflowers and morning glories. They don't look too bad but
the greenhouse has been looking sad lately as I have been so unable to repot plants or pay much attention to today, I tackled the job of tearing apart a philodendrum plant that was largely overgrown with tons of yellow crunchy leaves all over it. I salvaged some pieces to root, but it had Mealybug infestation, which I hate, so most of it went to the composter and accompanying it was a Wandering Jew plant with the same disease.
I repotted a couple of ferns- two begonias and have started to tear apart a Plectranthus plant which is leggy and ugly.
I had to stop after sweeping up the debris due as my wrist was starting to feel a little sore.
Now that I can see the plants, I realize, I must get busy and work out there...the weather is cooler now so the greenhouse doesn't retain the heat like before.
At the IGA today, they were selling - ornamental cabbage and kale, mums, ornamental pepper plants, heather, icicle pansies and some other colourful pots - I resisted -
I told myself that I need to clear out the garden -not plant more stuff - but it was hard to walk away from such great plants at bargain prices.
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