Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Crazy Canadian Weather

This morning at 3:30AM, the wind woke me.....howling......I got up for awhile....had a cup of tea and read some of today's Whig....then it started sleeting and freezing rain and the wind never let up a bit.....the weather changed to heavy rain by 8AM-then rain turned to white-out snow storm and it never let up until late in the PM....then, the sun came out and it was beautiful.....getting colder tonight -10 C. already. I couldn't see out my greenhouse windows most of today and my sewing room window screen sucked all the snow onto it so it was a dark day in the house until sunshine appeared and snow stopped. We had all aspects of winter today.......

Monday, January 21, 2008

More future compost!

For the past few days, I have been able to get out to the greenhouse and I have thrown out quite a few large plants - I am still able to get to the compost - but some of the root-filled pots are outside between the garden shed and our neighbour's fence-till spring comes. Then, I will break them up and put them in the garden soil.
From sheer neglect because I have been busy of late...Christmas, Church, etc., some plants got buggy, some overgrew and some have root rot.....into the bin they went flying....I hope to make some room for cuttings that I must pot soon.
The geraniums seem to be growing the best right now....they must like the cooler temps. It was Minus 20 degrees Celcius this morning but warmed up to Minus eight this PM and the sun shone most of the day, so the greenhouse was a perfect place to be this afternoon.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Clean Up Time

Today was tackle the dead plants in my greenhouse....I am ashamed to say, I threw out some sick looking or dead plants today....sick looking ones, some that I am sick of looking at, dead ones, some cuttings that aren't rooting....all gone.....luckily, we don't have enough snow to hinder my way to the composter....... I am hoping to create some space as Spring approaches. Most geraniums are doing very well....they seem to liven up in Jan., Feb., and March....The orchid looks as if it is growing tiny flower buds....I hope.....they could be little leaves also. Some cuttings that I parted with were from my Pineapple Sage plant that I had for over two years....they were infested with aphids....also, the marjoram coleus plant.....these bugs are relentless.
I took lots of crunchy leaves off various plants.....I still have a lot of work to greenhouse is neglected.
Wish me luck!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!

Snowing, blowing today....a good day to work in the greenhouse....especially since I haven't been able to do much potting since before Christmas.

Happy New Year in 2008.....happy planting and keeping the environment green......let's try harder this year....
