Today, I wonder - where will I put all the plants that I want to bring in from outdoors - my greenhouse seems so crowded at present - so - without thinking about it, I dug up 2 begonias, 3 coleus and 2 geraniums from the front flower bed...they are all potted now and looking fine. I moved the pots of geraniums to the back patio and dug up some ornamental cabbage to put out front in plastic pots for autumn decorating. The marigolds and sedum are really colourful now so the cabbage will add some pizzazz.
My cosmos in the back garden blew over last night in Hurricane Ike's wind, so I chopped a couple of them down. Then I filled up four pots with compost and dug up a phlox and some shasta daisies for my friend, Joe, and also, some hydrangea and helianthus for my Peggy's garden. The ground was very moist from the rain last night so it was perfect digging. I also dug up my Creeping Rosemary plant and cleaned it up and put it in a big pot in the greenhouse for wintering.
I am happy that I was able to get so much work done today...it was lovely and cool....yesterday was very hot and sticky so today was a perfect day for me to be outdoors.
I picked a handful of little yellow tomatoes also.
Yesterday, I picked some carrots....very small and spindly this year....the beets were small also and the beefsteak tomatoes are taking forever to ripen. Yesterday I gave Mark some green tomatoes to fry and I might have to fry the rest for myself...I am getting tired of waiting for them to ripen.
I feel a little sad that my garden is getting empty, but we have enjoyed it a lot.