Monday, February 02, 2009

First Monday in February 2009

Still haven't changed all my calendars....I have calendars in nearly every room in my house....crazy, eh?
Yesterday, the weather was warmer and very sunny...snow fell through the night but not as much as predicted by the "trusty" weather man. I waterd most of the plants in the greenhouse and repotted the two umbrella trees that really needed new dirt and tlc. They are supposed to be miniature plants but they are really tall but doing quite well. Leaves were one sided so the pots are on the top shelf of my plant stand facing backwards...hope the sun will convince them to be more even.
I have some aphids appearing on coleus, so one plant got a haircut and I threw cuttings from it in the composter...have some cuttings in my kitchen, rooting, and they have some mealybug, soooo, don't know how much longer I will keep these plants...annoying bugs.
It was nice to spend time in the greenhouse....I feel like I am in a tropic place when the sun shines and I am enjoying my plants.


Sunday, February 01, 2009

Well, Happy New Year 2009!

Where have I been?? Not blogging, for sure....just not taking the time greenhouse is thriving in this cold and snowy winter....presently, I am potting some overgrown cuttings. Also, having a little battle with aphids on some of my plants...which is usual in January and February....
Last week, between shovelling and trying to catch up on housework - I potted some Plectranthus Silver Shield, and Plectranthus vine....hopefully, they will grow well and I can donate some plants to my Horti Club plant sale in May.
Seeds are in Canadian Tire now....I'm not going to buy any seeds till I check my stock....
One plant that is surviving is my Creeping Rosemary....I was battling Mealybug on 3 or 4 months, I can move it outdoors again....
Geraniums are blooming....must count them soon.....
Take care, gardening bloggers....the days are getting longer and the sun on the snow is wonderful.
