Sunday, February 06, 2005

Sunday in sunny Amherstview!

Today is a perfect get-you-thinkin'-about-Spring-day. The temperature is +5 C and I spent most of the afternoon in my greenhouse. My husband and I brought all the church Christmas poinsettias home - I checked them all over and kept 7 - I am hoping to use them at Easter for greenery at the church. I will trim the red leaves off them and force new green leaves. It took a while to cut up the rest for the composter-keep the dirt in a plastic bag for the garden-and wash the pots. I also repotted a plant called PLECTRANTHUS-a friend gave me this plant 2 years ago and she told me it was called a potato plant - I didn't think it looked like a potato - it reminded me of a swedish ivy with burgundy and green leaves. I took some cuttings to our Horti Club sale and one of the members advised what it really was named - sounds like a dinosaur to me and I really don't know a lot about it but it grows like a vine and gets pretty little flowers on it in late summer and fall and now I have two plants hanging in the greenhouse. All the plants received a good drink of water today. I noticed some whitefly on my sweet potato vine so I went mad with the sprayer - filled with warm water and a tiny amount of dish soap. This time of year, I usually get some bugs - they like the warmth also - but they soon meet my spray bottles. I also noticed some bite marks on the swedish ivy leaves - that would be a little weevil who also wakes up in February. I usually find him at night with the flashlight and he ends up in a cup of hot, hot water - cruel but quick. I trimmed all the dead blossoms off the jade and I miss them. They were so pretty.
Enjoyment: The ICEFOG was still here this morning and left us at mid morning but the land was a winter wonderland picture.


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