Empty Day!
This evening, we took a large carload of houseplants and herbs to my Horti Club plant sale-which is actually tomorrow-I was so happy to see them leave the greenhouse and garden. Our members who were busy lugging in their plants were able to buy 3 plants this evening and quite a few of my plants are now gone to good homes. I was very good-I did not buy any plants!!!
Our club received a number of plants from Canadian Tire garden centre-last fall. A member actually planted them in her vegetable garden - for the winter - then dug them up - washed off the pots and lugged them all to the plant sale....is she a dedicated helpful gardener or what. There were honeysuckles, silver lace vines, hydrangeas and numerous types of trees and shrubs.
I am off to work at the sale in the morning from 8AM to 12PM-should be fun chatting with all the garden people and learning more about plants.
I also have two more trays of plants to take in the morning.
It is soooo nice to have empty trays in the greenhouse!!!