I Have My Own Greenhouse
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
No rain for 3 days!!! yeah!!!

We have not had rain for 3 days - but - it will return tomorrow - so the weather channel predicts. In the past 3 days, my husband cut the grass and today he rototilled the garden and I raked it smooth - a real 20 minute workout for me.
Yesterday, I emptied out the flower pots - I keep the earth in bags in the garden shed over winter and amend it in the spring-and use it again in my flower pots. We were able to wash out the pots and bring them inside. If you leave clay pots outdoors during winter, they will most likely crack and break. They soak up the water and moisture, freeze, then on a nice warm day, they will thaw and become pieces of clay.
I have been potting plants like I am out of my mind and I think I have all the Silver Shield Plectranthus cuttings planted in pots - there must be at least 15.
I hope everyone will buy them at the plant sale. They are a really pretty foliage plant.(see photo-silvery green leaves with little spike)
My friend, Bill, gave me a tray of spider plants and he was kind enough to pot them for me - also - some beautiful ivies, which I transplanted into hanging pots.
I am thankful for the sunny days we have enjoyed - still waiting for Indian Summer.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
No action!

There has been absolutely no action in my garden in the past week, except for me walking by it to my compost bin. It rained practically every day since Tuesday - the weather has been cold and windy as well. In fact, Niagara area was dumped with a big snowstorm - I really am not complaining about the rain.
Yesterday was cloudy and sunny periods -so - my husband and I took the greenhouse shade down and stored it in the garage for winter. It is a big job but it saves the shade from wearing out. Now the greenhouse will have more light and sun - usually it takes the plants some adjusting to the changes - hopefully they will grow bigger as our church bazaar is in 3 weeks and I would like big plants for my table.
I have been researching poisonous plants as I was given a croton and dumb cane plant-both are extremely poisonous to pets and children-can cause burning of the mouth and throat if ingested. Scary! Do I sell them at the bazaar or get rid of them. I don't have pets or little children but I am still worried about them. Spider plants, poinsettias and peace lilies are also poisonous - but not as bad as the croton and dumb cane.
We are hoping the rain will stop, the garden will dry up a little and we can roto till the earth for winter.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Adding to the compost heap in Kingston!
This afternoon, we took a trip to Lappan's Lane in Kingston, to dump a trunkload of garden waste on the huge compost heap. Surprise - the grounds there were quite dry - I assumed that after the rains we had recently that the ground would be a muddy sinkhole. There were only 3 other vehicles there unloading their yard waste. When we came home, I picked the rest of my zinnias and put them in a vase on the kitchen table. The garden is looking sadder everyday so it is time to put it to bed. I picked more tomatoes, dug up a celery root and pulled out some green onions. I was looking for recipes for swiss chard but think I will try to freeze some of it and give the rest to neighbours. Right now, I want to get my house in order - we had painting done this week - finish with the garden so I can work in my greenhouse and do some sewing. It is amazing how the rain has made things grown- especially the flowers and herbs. We sat on our patio this PM for a while - what a gorgeous day.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bags and bags
No rain today - beautiful sunshine - lovely temperature - no wind - so this PM, I went to my muddy garden and filled bags and bags with garden waste. It is a sad feeling to put your garden to bed....I pulled out cosmos, asters, sunflowers, weeds,
but still have lots of flowers and colour. I like to have some colour in the garden till after Thanksgiving. The beans are still producing and swiss chard, tomatoes and onions are thriving also...amazing. Rain is forecast again for tomorrow!! Boo!Hoo!
While in the garden, a huge and beautiful monarch butterfly landed for a few seconds on a gaillardia bloom. It took my breath away for a minute. Where was my camera??