Thursday, May 12, 2005


It was sunny, windy and cool here today so, in my greenhouse, I repotted some plants for a friend - dumped off the old soil-washed the pots - used my Loblaws Super Soil - the best potting soil around and presently priced at $4.99 for 70Litres. I winter some Christmas cactus for a friend from my church - then I deliver them to his house and he hangs them outdoors all summer - brings them inside in autumn and miraculously gets them to bloom for decorating the Church at Christmas time. They are fuschia and salmon colours and he has had them for a number of years. I am getting them ready to deliver at the end of May.
Speaking of Christmas cactus - yesterday, when I did my volunteer work at the nursing home, I noticed a gorgeous pink and white flowered Christmas cactus - the ladies have been enjoying it since April 1st - it must be an Easter cactus. What a sight to see. Today, I also potted some of the curly willow branches that are rooting in a vase - the leaves are really popping on them - so - they will be sold at the Horti sale on May 28th.
I am really anxious now to get some of the geraniums outdoors, but, cold nights and frost are forecast so I must be the patient gardener again. Stopped at IGA Garden centre after my computer class but it was too cold and windy to look at the garden flowers there. Lake Ontario blows powerfully some days.
ENJOYMENT: My red Appledoorn and my yellow and red tulips.


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