Unrainy day!
No rain today-cool-sunny with clouds-but over all-nice! I walked today outdoors-yesterday, I exercised to my Walking DVD indoors -much nicer to be out breathing all that fresh air.
The only gardening done today was digging up dahliahs this PM - they were muddy and there were lots of huge earthworms that I disentangled from the tubers and threw back in Mother Earth.
My hubby washed all the dahliahs with the hose and they are drying out in the garage.
I have lots of tubers-didn't have a lot of flowers this year but lots of greenery.
No work in the greenhouse - I had to make a huge German Potato Salad for Octoberfest party at my church tonight - then we did some cleaning - moving furniture - but we did take a break -got a coffee at Tim Horton's and drove out Taylor Kidd Blvd. to Millhaven to see the fall colours - they were beautiful today.